As with all our parts, they can be engraved so that when they do need replacing, together we can identify the exact requirement
Conveyor Wear-bends & Tracks
Wear-bends & Tracks
Whilst the System Plast range of components includes many standard variants of wear-bends and tracks to suit the chains in our range, we manufacture all of these in the UK, at Thetford. This enables us to compliment our huge range of UK stocks of conveyor chains, whilst keeping lead-times to the minimum, and accommodating any special requirements:
Tracks can be manufactured in standard PE1000, as well as the System Plast NoluS, specifically formulated for use with our NGE chains, but also offering long life through low wear/low coefficient of friction. We exclusively stock and machine NoluS in the UK, and have even developed hybrid bends in PE1000 with replaceable NoluS wear parts for maximum economy & life.
Tracks and bends can be machined to exact requirements – any radius, length, width etc., and we can even help you measure up existing bends to work out exactly what you might need as a replacement.
We will advise where possible on any design changes that can reduce costs – for instance manufacturing tracks in lengths to suit stock sheet sizes or very large bends in segments to get best sheet yield.
As with all our parts, they can be engraved so that when they do need replacing, together we can identify the exact requirement